Monday, January 15, 2007

Words we use

I love you, I love you too. Haven’t you heard these words being used commonly and casually? A guy says it to a girl or a girl says it to a guy they proclaim to be madly in love and after a month can’t stand each other. “Instant love” I would like to call it disappears as quickly as it appears. Teenage is the time when you experience feelings of infatuation, admiration or plain lust for the opposite sex and also immaturity and teenage are synonymous due to such reasons. But teenager or adult how can people be so shallow when it comes to relationships? Why on earth become someone’s ‘boyfriend’ or ‘girlfriend’ when you don’t completely like them? Yes at some point of time each one of us must have felt the want or wish to be liked by a person romantically but it is beyond me how u can claim to “love” someone after knowing them for just a very short span. Public displays of affection is considered cool and the relationships itself seems like it’s up for public display .Whatever happened to privacy? Attraction is understandable and very much normal but I cannot help being surprised by the frivolous relationships I see around. Sometimes you are scared to ask the other person about their ‘guy or girl’ cos it’s very much probably there is a new person in their place. It almost reminds me of that gaming advertisement where people are competing about everything here it’s just their love life. I’m no expert on love I do not know very well how things should be but I do know how they should not be. . But when you see some people who genuinely like each other, do not feel the need to go about announcing it and who realize the commitment and respect that should accompany the word love, hope prevails!


Anonymous said...

hmm i have read this blog entry of yours.will reserve my comments for personal interaction. but i am glad to see your blog finally updated!

Aksha said...

Look who is BACK! The new template is really nice.

Now, Comment time: Don't get hassled. A very honest article. Even I think how some jerks and bimbettes hitch up with each other and coochie- coo around. One thing. The title and the post did not match at all honey! Word we use or Relationships for use??

Upendra Phatak said...

This proves that getting a wisdom tooth makes a difference.AMzing lucidity . Kudos!

XeXo CroXr said...
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XeXo CroXr said...
